Jonathan Cooper ima zanimljivu priču – Amerikanac koji je poslom došao u Hrvatsku, i tu ne samo da je ostao, nego je pokrenuo niz poslova i zasnovao obitelj. Još je rjeđe kakvim je poslom Jonathan došao – kao direktor nekoliko investicijskih fondova koji su ulagali u najranije hrvatske firme. Danas je poduzetnik, regionalni nositelj franšize Muzeja Iluzija za Srednji Istok, Sjevernu Afriku, dijelove Azije i Sjevernu Ameriku, te suvlasnik KlasikTV-a, projekta njegove žene koji non-stop prikazuje stare filmove s ovih područja.
S Jonathanom smo pričali o tome kako je to bilo gledati razvoj Hrvatske od ranih početaka do danas, što se mijenjalo, kako je doživljavao i kako doživljava Hrvatsku nakon svih tih godina, što mu se sviđa a što ne, te koje preporuke ima za domaće biznismene.
Ovo je jubilarna, 100-ta epizoda Surovih Strasti, i ponosni smo što smo imali priliku razgovarati s gostom kao što je Jonathan, te što smo došli do ovog lijepog okruglog broja epizoda! Hvala svim slušateljima – a i čitateljima na društvenim medijima, pogotovo Facebooku i Instagramu, te gledateljima na YouTubeu, što nas nastavljaju pratiti u novim epizodama i novim idejama! Povodom jubilarne epizode, krenuli smo u osvježenje izgleda i organizacije sadržaja, te ovom prilikom najavljujemo i prvi službeni event Surove Strasti – meetup početkom 5. mjeseca (datum će biti najavljen malo kasnije!). Hvala svima još jednom, i do slušanja!
S Jonathanom smo pričali o:
- 00:45 – What makes Jonathan unusual?
- 02:00 – I used to work in an investment fund
- 02:45 – I am not a founder of the Museum of Illusions, but I helped develop the franchise later on
- 04:15 – Best advice: Just go for it! You’ll make mistakes… but you will learn from them.
- 06:00 – CEO is a lifestyle
- 07:30 – KlasikTV can never go global, but it doesn’t have to. It can just be a small family business for yourself.
- 08:30 – Shocks regarding coming to Croatia
- 10:50 – USA vs Croatia… who are my kids rooting for?
- 12:30 – Several investment funds exist in Croatia
- 13:20 – Croatia is now internationally known
- 15:30 – How companies got started in Poland a while back…
- 17:00 – In Croatia there exists a fear from regulations and from the “tax police”.
- 18:20 – How does someone from the US create a TV channel of old ex-Yu content?
- 20:50 – Selling the presentation and the concept without actually having the content in place!
- 22:25 – You build on what you already know
- 24:10 – In Croatia, if you fail it marks you as bad. However, if you learn, then this allows you to build on your experience.
- 25:50 – Try to stay a step ahead
- 26:45 – Franchising the Museum of Illusions
- 28:15 – Which business can you franchise? Which business can you not?
- 30:30 – People in the Balkans are worried about stealing ideas. However, why steal something if you can just franchise it?
- 32:30 – I won’t take an investment of just money. I need an investment of money, knowledge and mentoring!
- 34:00 – How do you start a franchise? What are the exact steps?
- 37:20 – How do you set your goals?
- 38:20 – I need to be pushed (just like most people do)
- 41:10 – We do not advertise the franchise of the Museum of Illusions directly because each museum is different and we want people to have unique experiences.
- 43:00 – Saudi Arabia is really full of money
- 44:30 – The idea is obvious… once you see it!
- 45:30 – Best ideas are most often not the most complex ones.
- 46:10 – Who is right for entrepreneurship? People who can afford to take risks.
- 47:30 – Risk is a necessary part of entrepreneurship.
- 49:00 – When you go on stage, you’re exposed… and that’s scary.
- 50:30 – Never give up on a sale.
- 51:15 – What is an ideal combination of people to start a business?
- 55:15 – What pushes you to become an entrepreneur?
- 57:05 – I’ve been fired 5 times… and am proud of it. In Croatia this is definitely not the case.
- 59:10 – Necessity of making money can drive you.
- 1:01:45 – People get bored, change careers… you have to think about all these options in today’s world.
- 1:02:30 – What would you tell your 20-year old self?
- 1:04:20 – What would you do differently when you reflect on the past?
- 1:05:30 – What is the key value of living in Croatia?
- 1:08:50 – I would love to learn Croatian.
- 1:11:00 – How to expand a business located in Croatia abroad?
- 1:13:45 – How do you get the first customer in an area where you’re not known and where you don’t know anyone?
- 1:15:30 – Comedy Classic on Klasik TV in cooperation with Studio smijeha

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*Epizoda podcasta snimljena je na radiju 808.
Majstor zvuka: Gordan Antić
Suradnik na blogu: Mario Mucalo
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